NGtoday Started operating Pre-October.
KisBlog primarily aims to cater its niche a very good and comprehensive information for online money making through articles which everybody may follow and do for their website.
We offer personal and influencer tips, and guides to make your website a sale funnel.
We offer personal and influencer tips, and guides to make your website a sale funnel.
Initially, KisBlog is for new and advanced bloggers, articles written to spearhead the notion of succesful blogging. We also write on online advertisements, mobile ads networks reviews, products insights..
Mohammed Yousouf is the owner of the KisTech blogging team who is really passionate in helping new and advanced bloggers to come up with their site very successful. He obtained his degree in Information Technology in the year 2015. He is the Secretary to one of the world's top content writing services..
- I ran Gurusline- Tech Blog. for a few months before it's initial shutdown
- I contribute Editorial masterclasses on Ditailz.com
- I'm also an Editor at TheRealPictures.com, a general entertainment platform for enthusiastic Indians.
You can contact me on;
Call him on; 07069038573
Call him on; 07069038573
In 2-3 years, I fancy chances of competing with top notch blogging crackers, such as Neil Patel (who ofcourse, is the most brilliant blogger I know) and the geek behind ShoutMeLoud (Harsh Agrawal). By providing quality, well written and informative content to my audiences, this will be far more easy.
To relieve upcoming and established Nigerian and worldwide bloggers with the suffocating blogging tips, guides and DIY tutorials to be succesful in their fields as much as I AM!!
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