6 Insider Tips To Get Your FIRST 500 blog visitors

Starting out your website, the first thing that obviously comes to mind, bar hosting and domain is ‘’How Do I get Traffic?”
It’s very easy to setup everything, spend a couple of dollars on themes, plugins and host and then tragically fail. Without traffic to your website, it becomes lifeless, you don’t make a penny.!

So how about I explain a few tips to get Your First 500 Visitors To Your Website?
That too, in under a month?
Without spending  a dime on ads?

It’s going to take some work from your side, but nothing online is made to be easy, none.

So let’s get started in getting your First 500 visitors:

  • ·         Write Your First 2,000 words Content.

Obviously you'll hear it daily; content is king.
I'm not saying your 500+ words content isn't good. It is, if it provides so much valuable information.

But the reality is, you can't expect an article capped at 500 words to provide you the brilliant information on 'How to Start Your Niche Blog: Step By Step Guide'.

See the difference, yet?
If you really want to get more traffic, you must write to get them in.
Writing 2,000 words should be a peanut for you at the very least, I've seen quite a handful of bloggers writing 10,000-12,000 WORDS pieces. And they were an absolute HIT.
Not all your articles can be up to that amount, but find time, atleast once a week to write an in depth article.

If your readers find your articles long and qualitative, they'll surely visit you often.

·         Create a Facebook Page

If you already have an active Facebook account, you can create a page to cater for your audience and share your articles with followers.
Facebook has about 1.*Billion monthly users, the best social site in the world, so it's the best place to get your blog traffic kicking in.

Facebook pages tend to send me about 61% of my daily traffic.

With Billions of users online, it's easy to find your target audience easily.
Create a Facebook page.
Use your company name, and give it's descriptions.
You'll of course start with zero followers, so it'll be best to invite your friends to like your page just for a start.

If they choose to accept your invitation, you'll be seeing them as page likes. Anyone who likes your page is entitled to receive updates from your page.

Post at least twice a day, after posting, share to your most active Facebook friends.
When you have a few followers, ask questions. They tend to get more comments for you and more likes and shares.

Accompanying your post too with a great picture will get you more engagement, than without it.

I actually re-share my older blog posts each day just to keep the traffic flowing in, and make sure I circle a popular post, one that my readers found to be the best and keep sharing it day after day. It keeps them glued to my page and I've seen steady traffic growth since then.

It's also advisable to offer coupons or discounts on products, or just giveways, they'll bring you over 88%, increase in followers.

  • ·         Start Tweeting

Social Media sites are the bomb.
Social traffic are the thing of the future now, that's why I'd recommend you get your hands on Twitter.

Twitter allows you to tweet a short 140 character words. And if you know business, you'd know 140 is more than just enough. Businesses love it! Being short and catchy.

There are millions of people with different information to share. It's good you determine your niche and find the authority on your niche and start following them.

Once you follow them, you can retweet their tweets, tweet to them, and follow people they follow.

I actually followed Jeff Goins a few weeks back, and used this tool called TweetAdder, a tool which helps you find a person's 1000 most recent followers, and helps you follow them too.
This means more than half of them will choose to follow back, peep through your profile and if your content is great, pop up a few times and bookmark your blog.

It also helps you see who you've followed but don't follow you back. You can choose to unfollow them if you wish.

It's a great tool which has helped me leverage my traffic with up to 38%.

Ø  Use FutureTweets

A new tool I discovered recently that helps me schedule my twitter tweets is futuretweets.

It's very easy to use and you can go directly to the site and authenticate with your twitter account (make sure you're logged in to your twitter account with the browser).

From there you'll be redirected to the dashboard, and you can schedule your tweets.

What I basically do there, is, find quality content from my blog, then post about it with relevant tags and mentions to my niche authority bloggers.

This makes sure my tweet is seen by huge amount of people, and then schedule it for 9AM in the morning. I schedule at least 10 times, the same content with different keywords, tags, and mentions and then set different timestamps, just to be sure each of my followers get to see it at their convenient time.

  • ·         Configure Share Buttons.

Several people complained to me at first, when I launched my first blog which was on the blogger platform, that they find my articles brilliant and scroll anxiously to find the share buttons, only to be disappointed; I had none.

At first I didn't even know what they are, I asked around, and a friend popped up with a Facebook share button code I should sort of embed on my Blogger HTML template. I was confused. I did a lot of research and I found ShareThis and AddThis sharing buttons platform.

They basically allow you to design the type of sharing layout you want, and will guide you into integrating it to your website easily. Most of them have their plugins for WordPress so it's easy to quickly add it to your blog.

A lot of experts revealed, adding share buttons on your blog increase your traffic with upto %50, and exposes out to new readers. A welcome bonus!!

·         Interlink your Articles.

Interlinking is a way you make mention and reference to YOUR own previously written content, by using html Ref tags and passing link juice to your articles.

Look for that popular post on your site, come up with a brilliant piece, as you normally do, then make mention of it at the right time with the right keyword phrase.

An article you published last month titled Link building, and it's link is abc.com/topic/link-building/
So to make mention of it, you make use of the following HTML tag:
Example:I explained about < a href="http://www.abc.com/topic/link-building">Link building </a>, you should check it out

  • Get Links from your niche.

Apart from interlinking your content, search for top blogs on your particular niche, find an article you truly love, read it.
At the very end, You'll spot the comment box if there's any.
Comment with what you've learned in that piece and drop a few hints, here and there just to make your comment valuable.

If it's a WordPress blog, there's a box with the name 'Website' you will mostly see not given the '*' sign. Because it's not a requirement. But fill it up with your web address and post your comment.

Some blogs can even approve your website link in the comment box if your comment is valuable to it's readers, so this will help you garner more new audience, resulting in bigger traffic stats for you.!

  • Post In Forums Often

Forums are meant for interaction, business minded folks go their and pop a question or two.
If you know a thing or two in your niche, you can register in top forums like Warrio Forums, or Digital Point.

Find your most suitable category and look into questions relatively known to you, hover onto it, and try and give your best possible answer.

You’d ask me how exactly do you get Traffic using this method?
Easy!!! Usually every forum gives you the opportunity to include a signature (a piece of text, html or smiley displayed at the end of each post or reply you make). You’re going to write your website url in full there, and probably a description about it.

This ensures you get both Quality High PR (pagerank) backlink to your website, and some potential clicks!

You can still make reference to one of your articles which is relevant to the post on the forum.

How To Get Approved Into PeerFly Affiliate Program


Affiliate marketing is one smart & easy way for an Online businessman to make money. To be an affiliate marketer you must be approved by an affiliate network to be able to sell their products. There are networks like Commission Junction that have hundreds of advertisers who are in need of people like yourself to promote their products.

Welcome to Peerfly:

What is Peerfly?

It is an affiliate network where you get to sell products offered by various agencies. Companies will have their own verification process to which you must answer faithfully and without lies.

But sometimes your approval ratings can be hard to come by. Unlike Google Adsense, not many are approved at the first attempt, on the contrary if any of you readers' have had a first time approval then congratulations! 

At Peerfly, you get to promote offers from different sellers. You get paid for the leads you bring to your site who end up click on the affiliate links and you also are remunerated for sales that you make through your website. It basically also depends on which type of offer you select.

Peerfly is considered to  be the best when it comes to affiliate network.
The company maintains security and quality to ensure best results for their clients.

There are offers that can make you money ranging from a few cents to a few hundreds of dollars and that's why it is hard to get an approval at the first attempt. A real game changer would be if your website already has a dedicated traffic and your visitor to subscriber conversion ratio is already very high. That would be one case where your application could be approved at the first attempt.

Let us take some tips on how to secure an approval from Peerfly:

Be Honest:

Once you sign up with Peerfly, it takes nearly 3 days to hear back from the folks back at Peerfly offices. It is not an automated email but from an actual human sitting on the other side of the desk.

And they are busy processing applications for people just like yourself, so be patient and hold tight!

I understand you must feel anxious during this process and it is very common, many feel the same way, but you must give them enough time to get back to you with a good news.

They might also ask you for further information if required, so do not feel surprised if you receive an additional email asking for your details. Be as open and friendly as you can be and let them see how willing you are to make it worthwhile for both you and Peerfly's clients.

Another major aspect being approved on Peerfly is that your site must have a professional look and feel to it. So, if you know that your website has a basic look or it is still associated with free blogging platforms such as Wordpress.com or Blogger, then you may not be approved or even allowed to proceed with the application procedure.

It is always a good habit to ensure that you are never rejected. I myself, employ this technique in everyday life, be a professional and be ready for everything beforehand, so nothing can surprise you. Also, take proper note in the content you have on your website.

Make sure none of it is copied, plagiarized or stolen from other contents. Doing so will only hurt your chances at being selected not only at Peerfly but also at other affiliate networks.

In some extreme cases, Google may also ban your site, and put you on a blacklist. Yes, that does happen!

Excellent Website Functionality:

This feature is extremely important if you're trying to impress  your affiliate network. A flawless, purposeful and information rich website can never be turned down by any business.

If what you are providing is of some value then be confident that you will be approved. But try to do your best that you constantly work on improving your site's functionality and bug fixes. Never Spam anybody and never give anyone a chance to report you either!

That can hurt you a lot in terms of Google rankings.

A great technique that is advised by many Internet geeks is that you must never copy and paste  any content, but it must be original and authentic.

One good way to go about it is, you can hire content writers to provide well written, plagiarism free content that is interesting to read and serves a great value to its' readers'.  You can hire me, too, as well. :)

Pick a niche before you even build a site so you know exactly what you're doing and work on improving it, and perfecting it to the best of your abilities.

Your chances to get approved on Peerfly solely depends on the conversion ratio and also on your promotion techniques, your vision for the website.


In this day and age it is truly not hard to grow on the Internet provided you know what you're doing. Many marketers like yourself are in this business just to make money.

Perhaps it works in the real world but on the Internet you need to have a vision! You cannot just show up to work and expect to get paid, you must give your best every single hour you spend in front of the computer.

So step into this pool of marketing if and only if you are willing to learn and give your best shot! If not, refrain from it and try to sell your own genuine products through email marketing, or social media marketing which is different than affiliate marketing.

At the end of the day, every single marketer wants to be rich one day, but your aim shouldn't be to get rich quickly but to devise a plan to keep making this money for however long possible.

A one-time earning will not be good for either you or your clients.

Top 10 CommentLuv Enabled Sites To Get Top Authority Backlinks

With the increasing number of websites from different niches, the demand for quality BackLink is also on the rise. Business owners, Bloggers, or e-commerce website owners, and others; who install a blog in their websites, maintain a consistency to write articles that are up-to-date and serve a purpose to their faithful subscribers. 

Every first time website owner, or more specifically, a Newbie,  struggles with a commonly known problem of Website Promotion.
They go to many places such as, Social Media Marketing for example, but often end up with very little or no success.
With the increased debate ongoing whether Organic traffic is better than Paid Traffic, Back Links have become sort of a backbone to every small, middle and even large scale businesses, more specifically for those who major in Online businesses.
Introducing CommentLuv:
<img src="http://kikolani.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/01/commentluv.png" alt="CommentLuv"/>
Image Source: Kikolani
CommentLuv Enabled Websites/Blogs are those that have a CommentLuv plugin activated. It is basically a Wordpress Plugin but is now also available in Blogger.
The main purpose it serves is to encourage fellow Bloggers to leave comments and promote their own blogs.
If CommentLuv is enabled on a blog that means anyone who leaves a comment on a blog post will be asked for their blog/website URL which is used by the plug-in to fetch up to 10 recently written articles by the commenter on the specified link.
This way the blogger gets to promote his/her article without having to pay. Although there are paid websites available too which deliver very good performances and have been consistent with their results, rank highly on Google and stand by their promise to do the best for a given blog/website. 
There have been great testimonials about CommentLuv by the seasoned Bloggers. Using CommentLuv increases your chances of getting a lot of traffic from loyal commentators.
Any blog/website that uses CommentLuv on their blog posts should have these 3 aims:
To convert the readers into commentators.
To convert one-time commentators into regular commentators.
To convert regular commentators into devoted commentators.
On top of all this, some CommentLuv enabled websites come with an option of 'Dofollow” & “Nofollow”.
With Dofollow, you get a ping back to your mentioned site, and also receive notifications to the mentioned email linked to your Wordpress site/blog.
Mostly, all CommentLuv enabled blogs have Dofollow option activated by default.
The main reason that a blogger chooses to leave comments for any site is because they are expecting to gain mass amounts of traffic. So, Dofollow does help a website owner to manage heavy traffic and thereby, increase site's worth.
It is highly recommended that you read the article thoroughly before leaving any comment. It's also a good advice to ensure that the article you read corresponds to your niche, and when you provide a Back Link to your own blog, the readers' would find it relevant and useful. Although, that is not a necessity.
With so many Bloggers desperate to strike Gold on the Internet, Backlinks are one of the most useful and essential asset that a blogger can use.
Even though, finding sites that are CommentLuv enabled are hard to find, but the list below mentions Top 10 websites where CommentLuv is used and are ranked well on Google.
Take a look at the 2016 Top 10 CommentLuv Enabled Websites that give you Authority BackLinks
1. ComLuv
2. Famous Bloggers
3. Better Blogging Ways
4. Wassup Blog
5. GrowMap
6. Hot Blog Tips
7. TechLila
8. Tech Tricks World
9.  Fiverr (Paid Link)- Fiverr is truly a giant market place for Freelancer to find regularly paid consistent work. But it is also known for being a leader in Backlinks. Here you can purchase them for merely $5 and of very high quality. However, Fiverr has a reputation of employing automated tools to deliver their “best” performance which makes it a tad bit harmful for the buyer because there is a possibility of Spam there.
So if you're looking to buy a Back link with high quality ratings, then you're at the right spot. Just one thing to remember, always focus on the Quality, not Quantity!
10. Links Management (Paid Link) – This is the best, most reliable, and well renowned paid Backlink website so far. Oh, and it is also very low budget, did you know that?
The feedbacks received thus far have been very good and Google gives it a good ranking as well given their quality work and great service.
These are among the highly rated CommentLuv enabled sites that will get you authority Backlinks.
So do try them out and and increase your domain authority and Google page rankings, but above all, make sure that your website/blog promotes top-quality content that the reader won't get elsewhere. 
Cheers :)

Best AdSense Layouts To Increase Revenue

Often I get asked, and even I ask myself what the best AdSense placement technique is to have great CTR and most importantly, keep your visitors engaged with more of the content and less of the ads.

Trust me by the way, cluttering your sidebars, navigation bars, footer, in-post titles with ads won't make your AdSense earnings increase as much as using the right Ads placement technique and layout.
Some WordPress themes do have that options built-in, they just tend to be too expensive though.
But more importantly, knowing the best ad layout will help you both now and in the long run that pursuing those "WordPress Themes". I always encourage my readers not to use more than 3 content units per page (Just so you know, AdSense have lifted the previous Limits on using 3 content ads on a single page. Read it here) because it distracts the main objective of your blog, that is, providing unique, relevant, informative information.
So I've decided to come up with 3 of the best Ads Layout to help you increase your AdSense earnings, CTR and CPC. Most of all, I've decided to help you make a 50-50 situation with your readers.
AdSense- Layout I. (My Favourite)

This is my primary ads layout for most of my blogs. It's a traditional, less aggressive layout.
You'll notice the first Ads unit situated at the top left which is where readers eyeballs usually go, the second Unit is further parallel to the top right hand side along with the sidebar.
I usually stuff my sidebar with my Opt-in forms, so it isn't somewhere I expect alot of the clicks to come from. .
Then the third Ads unit which is usally a link ads unit placed at tge footer.
Overall this is quite a good ads placement layout, very responsive and not annoying. You'll earn decent revenue with this layout.

AdSense- Layout II.

The most aggressive ads layout I've come across so far.
I don't usually recommend this for my readers, but if you're into niche sites then this is probably the best way to rake some $$.
The first ads unit at the top left attracts the peoples eyeballs as usually, the above the fold ads unit though is where things get kicking.
Extremely huge CTR is guaranteed here, while the right hand side ads unit could rake you some money as well.
The only problem back then is you could only use link ads unit inside your posts because you've already reached your content ads limits.
Well not anymore, with AdSense lifting the limit, you could use another content ads unit just below the post or at the footer which will only work to increase your already massive revenue (I suppose).
It's very essential you start looking into optimizing your ads positions to make sure you're making the most of your traffic and increase your earnings through using the above mentioned best AdSense Ads Layout.

Step-by-Step Guide To Use Yoast Plugin For WordPress

How to use YOAST SEO plugin for WordPress

Those who start using WordPress site and look for plugins will come to WordPress SEO by yoast plugin. For a great cause- It's in-depth, reasonable SEO plugin for WordPress in market.
It does those things and much more which a professional SEO Specialist can imagine. Unluckily, This can make a problem for beginners.  What happens is that anybody hears Yoast SEO as an amazing plugin. So they install it and wait for a miracle to SEO their sites. I will provide you the beginners guide on how to use Yoast WordPress SEO. It is a useful expert's guide by Yoast. Which will guide you step by step. Installing Yoast isn't enough. It's a straightforward thing. You install it like others plugin by navigating to
Add New
Search WordPress SEO
Install THE ONE by Josst De Valk.
When the installation get finish. Go to Yoast settings. Yoast has done a tremendous job with establishing default settings that work for the WordPress sites.
We are going to customize your site by focus on settings to help search engines understand your website.
As a result, It will show more searches.
Configure Yoast WordPress SEO for Technical SEO:
The Yoast settings focus on technical SEO, which has capability of changing your site to do 3 things.
Crawling: Your search engine need to be able to find all pages by clicking to your site.
Indexation: Once your search engines finds out the relevant page, they need to be copied to their index to show them in search results.
Duplicate/Low Quality Content: You want search engines to show everyone your quality pages as well as only single version of your page. So they don't get confused from duplicate content.  
First, You can verify your webmaster accounts on the dashboard of Yoast SEO easily. Bing and Google are most important but Bing provides benefits as well.
The people using Pinterest like the easiness of this setup. Russia's largest search engine is Yandex. A site ranking service by Amazon is Alexa. Alexa has very low priority.
Second, Go to:  •Titles & Metas •Other Settings.  Check the following: 
Noindex subpages of archives: Your 2nd, 3rd etc pages are not relevant to searches.
So we are telling search engines not to index subpages but to crawl the posts.   Add noodp and noydir to meta robots tag sitewide:  
You're telling search engines to use your description not others
Third, Go to Titles & Metas: (Archives and Taxonomies).
We have to check and stop low-quality content being published.
Pages most of the time aren't related to anything people will search for. They are just simple lists of post that is category, tag, and format (i.e, galleries, asides, quotes that depends on your theme)  Most of blank pages look spammy that's why we use Yoast SEO.
It will help to click and look all the posts. It will not index them. Check Meta Robots: Noindex, follow all your taxonomy & archive pages.  Tick Hide WordPress SEO Meta Box which is an administrative setting.  If you haven't ticked it, then go to individual category pages and set custom title tags & description.
It isn’t important if you want search engines to not index the page. If you want to keep a tidy & uncluttered WordPress admin then tick on hide. 
The default Title & Meta Description Template looks like all rubbish. But If you want your visitors to see a title tag. Then set to apply a standard title bag and no meta description to all your taxonomies. By default, your category or tag pages will be shown like this:
Category Name Archives Page 1 | Site Name.
Quick aside: WordPress category & tag pages have a lot of ability and capability for SEO but they want unique material and format that’s not the capacity of this post.  Fourth, Go to Social:  Fill out the related fields for your social profiles. It will make your posts show correctly on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and Google+  Fifth, Head to General (Company Info): This part provides Google with markup to include in the Knowledge Graph. It’s not a big problem for a beginners blog, but worth getting in place.  Sixth, Go to XML Sitemaps: XML Sitemaps is fundamemtally a map you give on your website to a search engine as the viewers crawl your page. You’ll do some important things here.
Exclude from XML sitemaps: Any types of content that you are Noindexing (i.e tags pages, categories etc) same as settings from Titles & Metas Taxonomies. 1.Take your XML sitemap URL. 2.Submit it to Google (and Bing) 3.Webmaster Tools. Then go to Google Search Console (Remember you can also verify your account with Yoast).
Seventh, Double-tick the Permalink settings. You do need to be using “Pretty Permalinks” before you start it. Which you should permit with other initial settings. Pretty Permalinks are when your blog post URLs show up as yourblogexample.com/my-first-post instead of yourblogexample.com/?p=875. Everything should be good by default here in Yoast.  And you have almost done! While there’s always more quick things you can do. For the vast majority of WordPress websites the reminder is set to a good default configuration.
Using Yoast WordPress SEO for On-Page SEO: To optimize your content for search engines we will use Yoast SEO in our daily blogs. On every kind of post, Yoast SEO will point a “meta box” below the Visual Editor in WordPress.  1.Go to Posts 2.Add New You will come to know what I said
Meta Box for Yoast This meta box is the support of Yoast SEO. Snippet Preview: It takes your meta data and shows you in the search engine what it looks like. Metadata is the page title and description.
Focus Keyword
What is focus keyword yoast SEO? It is a very common and important question about Yoast SEO. It is the keyword that best describe your post and you expect that keywords to be ranked for your post. In simple words, if someone searched for your focus keyword, the google will show up that relevant post of yours.
Happy Blogging!!!

The 7 Email List Ideas From Authority Bloggers

7 ways to gain more subscribers


Savvy online marketers will tell you 'the money’s in the list'. But that’s not fully true. What they should be saying is that the money’s in the standard of the list, instead of the quantity of followers. Lists with a many other work committed customers can outperform lists of 10,000 or more general “freebie seekers” when you focus on generating relationships rather than counting sales. 
So how do you magnetize the relevant type of viewer?
How do you get involved visitors to become enthusiastic followers? Keep reading for 7 amazing list building ideas you don't want to miss.
1. Make Your Submit Button Interact with the User
We’ve already examined how red and green can affect conception.
And still, just about each transformation test you’ll see supporters using of the big, red call to action button. But, for interacting and give reaction to the user’s action, what if you made the submit button? 
One marketer just did the same thing, testing a submit button with a red border that alter to green. When we moved the mouse over it. His small alteration test resulted in a 40%+ opt in rate. The reason behind the change in color is that it apparently or unconsciously carries the user from “Stop” to “Go”. By giving them the advantage to make that click.
Learn more about the test by browsing and get the code for the link button color change. If you're using html supported website platform (which am sure everyone pretty much does,) try checking out W3schools.
2. Make it as Easy as Possible to Enter an Email Address 
Have you ever seen those opt-in forms that previously come filled with instructions, like Type Your Email ID?
Make that text vanish the exact moment when someone clicks on that input field. A bit extra information is all you want. Most of the times, the text will be there, and you’ve got an entry that was unacceptable by the auto-respond?
It only reads the text written like Enter Your Email Address.  Here’s the script you should use to make the input field text cease when the user clicks on it: 
<input type=”text” name=”your-email” onclick=”this.value=”;” onfocus=”this.select()” onblur=”this.value=!this.value?’Enter Email To Get Updates’:this.value;” value=”Enter Email To Get Updates” />
3. Get More Out of Your Opt-In Form by Offering a Special Deal to New Subscribers 
Your opt-in confirmation page is a great chance to present followers with a latest offer.
Many opt-in “thank you pages” easily thank the viewer for subscribing and give them instructions on how to confirm their sign up.
Construction handyman Tim Carter, of AskTheBuilder.com goes one step away by giving his followers a ''latest deal they can't find anywhere on any other website".  By keeping this in mind, it isn’t the time to up-sell, instead it’s an opportunity to introduce newly followers to something little and advantageable, like remodeling checklists in Tim’s case. Examine how he also construct them directly to the call-to-action button. By giving it a noticeable red border you can examine. This one little step could show a main increase in profits just by putting a thank you on page.
4. Let the User Be In Control of What They Receive (and When they Receive It)
If you’re seeing decrease in your followers, it might not be simply because people don’t realize your newsletter beneficial. It might be that they just can’t challenge with it.
With new anti-spam measurements and an enlarge push by email services like Gmail, Hotmail and Yahoo to help you arrange what’s in your inbox. It’s more important than anything to make sure your name is on your user's “Favorite Senders” or Priority Inbox. 
Some newsletter managers just ask “Why are you leaving?” but these times, it’s more of an annoyance to a subscriber trying to unsubscribe.
Rather, ask the user if they’d like to alter the amount of emails or change the kind of messages they receive. Permission them have more control over what goes into their inbox helps strengthen your attitude as a trustable sender who only wants to send information that’s relevant to the reader.
5. Maximize Your Preview Pane
Most famous email programs such as Outlook or Gmail, as well as electronic mobile devices like iPhone. It shows the first two or three lines of an email as a piece or preview. Before the remaining of the message is downloaded. Every program has a word limit on how many characters can be included in these few lines. But the quantity of characters isn’t almost as important as the content. Imagine the scenario where the user want to forward your newsletter to a relative or friend. What would they see in their preview pane?
6. Encourage People to Forward Your Newsletter 
Encouraging people to forward an email to a friend, relative or friends of friends can help you out to reach more followers. Nevertheless, it isn’t the same thing as adding a Tell-a-Friend button to your site or attracting a user to share your message through Facebook or Twitter.
When convincing people to forward an email to another, just make sure that they can click a link to compose their message online. After all, not every email programs allows you to forward images or attachments. Adding that, by giving them permission to send their messages directly online, you can track how many of the users have really spread the word.
7. Consider Using QR Codes
QR are the Quick Response Code (stands for Quick Response) Codes are an up to date way to interact the mobile phone market online. These barcode-like symbols can be checked and, if the information in the symbol contains a URL, the web page will open automatically on the user's mobile phone.  An amazing thing related to QR codes is that they can be distributed nearly anywhere or everywhere. It contains business cards, postcards and much more different methods of advertising such as temporary tattoos or stickers. Browse to get detail article on it with some great examples qouted on. They'll help you out like how you can get this QR Code.
So here is me hoping you were able to gros your email list after following this stunning content on growing your email lists.

3 Natural SEO (Search Engine Optimization) tips

I've read alot of comments and posts here and there, where people agree more or less with the notion that 'Free hosted blogs, such as Google blogger are not usually ranked well'.
3 seo tips for higher ranking
3 Seo Tips

I'm not an SEO expert, but I do know a bit about SEO, so I'd totally disagree with that because blogs hosted on Blogger, actually are more faster when indexing, as well as unbelievable when you are using the right SEO techniques.

Hiring a specialist will be the most viable option, given Google's latest updates.
But if you're like me, with less resources and not the forget, not the most cooperative guy on the Internet, I would say you read on these 3 Natural SEO Tips to Do It Yourself.

So, buckle up for 3 Natural SEO (Search Engine Optimization) tips.

  • Domain Names Matter

To have a more realistic chance at overthrowing those high authority folks on Google's No. 1 search results, try having your keyword in your domain name.
Let's assume you're a travel blogger, and specifically write on your own travel experiences as well as tips along the way.
So, having a domain like ''traveltips. (extension) or travelexps. (extension).
I may be wrong, but this increases your chance at appearing higher on all travel related search terms.

  • Create Highly Resourceful Content.
High quality content on seo tips

Don't rewrite articles and expect to show up on page 1.
Create Highly resourceful content, add value to your audience and give them ample amount of reasons to come back for more.

To make it easier, drop a tip or two here, an advice or recommendation. Use links to back up what you're saying (High authority outbound links should be your target here), make use of smart anchor text and keyword phrases. This will really help you both now, and in the long run.

  • Title Of The Links
Seo Tips
Your links title should be tremendous quality, and don't stuff your content with tons of links, preferrably a figure from 5-10 will do. Although I am not saying you should keep it at a max, but make it reaasonable.

Finally, ensure that your links actually contribute to what you're saying, and link to your own content internally.

Most importantly, keep your blog updated, as all your SEO efforts will be wasted if you don't update your blog.

Happy Blogging!

Free Android Writing Apps To Simplify Your Work

These days there are many Android Writing apps for almost everything. Every problem or work always have its unique app.

Current accessibility filled almost every part of our life. Our jobs, hobbies, and entertainment are well-organized and time saving.

Android Writing apps
Free Android Writing Apps
We have nearly unlimited tools for digital productivity in our hands.  All it wants i a button to press and it fastly download to our mobile phones, tablets, or computers. As a writer, I have no doubt that having an app on my Android device on the go, has simplified my blogging journey.

It starts from motivation to organization, research, and editing. There are many apps to support the writing business.  So how do you know that which app would be helpful for your working activity? Well, I scrubbed the Internet and made your search process a piece of cake and let the decision made easily for you.

Here are the list of best writing apps you should download it now, If you haven't download it yet. They are best free android writing apps. (Why not give one a try?)


An amazing app to collect, organize, plan or write is Evernote. This ultimate app would track for you the latest stories, writing blips, inspirational pictures, audio clips and character notes. You can scan your paper work through this app. You can use this app anywhere at any place. This app is for the devices like Android, Windows, iOS and blackberry.

Get The Android Writing app on Google Play

They say Old is Gold, So we went back in time (if there ever was a way). There were times when you forced to be use Galaxy S3, S4 or note 3. Because at that time there were many Samsung Devices. Time has changed everything and our interaction with our mobile phones also.
Everybody wants their work to be with them everytime and everywhere. Because we don't have enough time, almost all the time.

This makes navigation calm and uncomplicated. As I see some well-known items like Home, Insert, Layout, Review, and View. I also observed that I get free unlimited fonts which I didn't purchased. It comes with this app itself.

There is an interesting option to use your finger as you are writing or drawing notes on the paper as well. Possibly, the main tool yet is the ability to discover the layout of the page margins into inches.

It also add or insert something that look to be coming “standard” in these apps, spellchecking.

The only main issue I usually come up with was the element that I'm using this on my phone which was way too small.

Get Polaris Office on Google Play


When Google starts bulging out their Chromebooks, much publicity was given to the idea that was originally given by Firefox when they need their own  operating system. Why not letting all the things be used in the cloud? This logic has given us Google Docs.

While it works as an easy method of writing. Whenever you want or need to write, it brings one chief weapon to the table. It’s purely unified with the Google Technosphere. So if you really love Google as much as others. Then love Apple, too. This is the app you need to be download. There isn’t much in the way of substantiation or alter  the appearance of the documents by themselves but it gets the work done ,easily.


WPS Office initially came into market as Kingsoft Office. A very long time has passed, it was one of these rare and very few–read: the particular–the only one that could translate .docx files accurately. Those who do not want to have to use pricey apps such as Microsoft Word on their PC’s or laptops.

Additionally, we’ve seen this app progress into a fully operative office replacement for those who have a keen interest to do everything on the go. If you have WPS installed on your computer then that is just another reason to get this for your mobile phone.

Main spreadsheets can be done but don’t hope to stabilize your multi-million dollar budget on it.

Being free to do presentations is a nice way.

Get WPS Office + PDF on Google Play


Somewhere someone was boggling when we will get to this behemoth. Sure it happens to be quite famous as in pretty much the only venture tool used. But once there was a time Microsoft didn’t always get alongside with Android. As most of us has still in our memory that there was an severe competition between Windows Phone and Android a few years ago. It went so far as Microsoft nearly deciding to never launch a version of their mobile word processing application for Android. As their mobile business with Nokia crushed, they did something very clever. They adjusted.

Today we find Microsoft Word being packed with many high end mobile phones and tablets. Quite simply, because it’s very great. Not only does this model motivates users to create a Microsoft ID. But it inspires them to adopt Windows as a primary operating system, if they haven’t already. This combination or merging with their PC using Windows 10 is the best application available when using this app on Android.

The true arrangement between your desktop and mobile device in full accuracy has been impressively done.

There are as many options on your mobile phone as there are on Laptop.

Again, Spelling is the level of quality.

Get Microsoft Word on Google Play.

5 Backlinks Making Tools To Index Your Site Faster

For backlinks to work, they need to be indexed, and there are a number of great tools out there to help you index them properly. 

Getting your backlinks indexed is critical to the success of any link building website.
You can check your backlinks with these tools.
What good is your business if it’s not getting any traffic or is not dynamic right? It’s always a good idea to index your articles and while some of the techniques that are utilized by people are slightly tricky, it’s often a waste of time if Google does not index them, not to mention wastage of finances and energy sapping.
Don’t lose hope, though!
There are certain tried and tested techniques to ensure all your backlinks are indexed properly, accurately and reliably. Most of these techniques can be done online freely; however, some applications require initial fees.
1. Google Webmaster Tools Technique.
This technique is a good way to get your backlinks indexed and Adarsh Sojitra blogs about it in a very easy to understand the manner in his blog, Ideas overdose. He says that you first need to give a direct backlink to any page on your blog and make Google crawl the page in order to index it.
The next step is to fetch as Google from webmaster tools. In fetch, you will have to enter the URL of the page that you gave the backlink to.
At this point Google will provide you with two choices; crawl just this URL or crawl the URL and its direct links. In order to index your back link, it is vital to choose the second option.
However, the only drawback with this technique is that Google does not provide a guarantee that every page fetched will be indexed. Moreover, it only allows links to be indexed 10 times in one given month, so it is slightly a less popular choice among bloggers.
2. Direct Linking to Google.
There is another way of utilizing Google in order to index your backlinks.
Fetch as Google is popular, however, another way can help you submit your URL to Google, this can work on any back link, all you have to do is submit that page to Google from which you received your backlink and you will be indexed swiftly and reliably.
There are obviously some pitfalls of this technique as well, while it works in most cases, Google cannot guarantee that it will be indexed in all cases.
Whenever you utilize this tool, you will first see a field with a label URL in which you have to enter URL of the page from which you received the back link. By providing the right Captcha and clicking on submit request your back link will be indexed within minutes.
3. Pinging.
This is one useful and famous technique of indexing the backlinks and can easily be utilized by visiting PingBomb.
In this pinging service, you can index any page and that page will be crawled by Google or any other search engine and be indexed.
These pinging services work by telling search engines that your blog has just updated and are in need of indexing. All you have to do is get the back link from any page which will imply that it is updated and use these pinging sites to ping the page, Google will do the rest.
Other than ping bomb other free pinging services like pingomatic are also available. This site is discussed in detail by Jeff Chandler in his blog, WP Tavern. These pinging sites are fast and reliable, mostly utilized by SEO pro's to boost websites and services.
4. Twitter!
Twitter is one of the easiest and well-liked ways of getting your backlinks indexed. If you are looking to create back links for a long term blog or you have back links from a page that was not spoiled or spammed in any way then twitter route is the way to go.
Whenever a URL is tweeted, it is indexed. What this basically means is that Google indexes twitter tweets and hence you can use this vital commodity to swiftly index your articles in Google.
Essentially Google crawls these back links and then indexes its URL.
Christina Warren blogged about this issue on Mashable and you should definitely check it out to learn about it more!
This tool has certain drawbacks as well, though; if you are looking to index thousands of backlinks in Google then twitter might not be your friend.
This will not only then ruin your twitter account but will be time-consuming to the maximum.
5. Paid Services.
In addition to the techniques mentioned above, there are many paid tools that can help you with this task as well. These can help you index your articles easily, all you have to do is send URLs of the page where you got the backlinks from and you are covered! This is the fastest way of getting the backlinks indexed. There are many sites that you can visit for more help including:
*•Backlink indexer
These tools do all the hard work so you can get your articles indexed easily, however, the only drawback is that you have to pay some money in order to get the job done.
These listed techniques are the most reliable and fastest ways of getting your backlinks indexed.
You can utilize them for long-term as well as short-term blogs and even event blogs. While some of them may fare better when minimum back links are to be indexed, other might prove to be a bit time consuming.
You should try all the methods separately to ensure which technique works best for you. For some people paying money to get their links might seem daunting, however, with the number of fraudulent websites online willing to index your backlinks and secretly sabotage your business, it’s better to be safe than sorry.
However, it won’t be wrong to claim that the aforementioned listed techniques are by far the most popular ways of getting the backlinks indexed.

How To Attract More Readers To Your Blog

Having good writing skills is one thing, making good use of it to attract readership is different.

How To Attract Readers
Courtesy : Problogger.net
  Image Credit: ProBlogger.com

Tips For Start-ups To Fight Off Already Established Blogs
If you're one of those few who are extremely talented writers, dedicate a lot of time to write for your readers, but still don' feel you're satisfying their needs enough, then this checklist is for you.
I'll dive in to my little box of tips, which I specifically use myself on my blog to get more readership and satisfy my readers.
•Throw a Poll out.
Asking your readers a question or two won't hurt, infact, Jared Serfozo of Accrisoft describes here How Online Polls Increases Traffic To A Website.
Start a poll asking your readers, it will give you an insight of what they want, and are they even interested in what you're offering?. It's a good way to start. Next..
•Start Delivering What They Want
After getting feedbacks from your readers, analyze it and start giving them what they want. Structure your content around with user experience in mind, find ways to promote your content.
• Be Mobile Friendly
Most internet users are now on mobile, so optimizing your site for mobile is the best way to go. Having a mobile friendly blog helps your content appear in search engines, and also Adhere to Google's Mobile Friendly Regulations..
To wrap things up, I'd like to thank you for visiting this wonderful blog, and hope that you were able to satisfy your blog readers. You can check out other special posts to help you in achieving more with your blog, online.
Here's my A-Z Guide To Start A WordPress Blog In 2016

A-Z Guide To Start WordPress Blog

An A to Z Tutorial to start a Spartan WordPress site

Starting a Wordpress Site From Scratch? Then this is the best guide for you.

All right! So you have finally decided to stand out from the crowd of digital werewolves and weave your own nest in the World Wide Web.

The very thought of doing what you believe in is like experiencing nirvana without trying too much for it. But even as Spartans had to wage a war against the most terrifying monsters for their immortality, launching a Wordpress site might also seem like climbing Mount Everest if you don’t know A B C of the entire process. So to help you create an attractive Wordpress site sans clichéd digital tantrums, we have got you an A to Z guide to launch a WordPress Site/Blog From Scratch , at your doorstep. The idea is to use more time for developing business than building a website. Here we go:
Website planning
Working on creating a Wordpress site without a well-thought detailed plan is like watching Lionel Messi doing salsa with football on the ground that has no goal posts whatsoever (There is just no fun in it) You got to have a target. It is essential. So what you can first do is do some research around to know the kind of website you want to run. It will also help you have an idea of the structure of your site. In fact, research is not always important to understand what you want, but also important for what you don’t want. You get to know about the mistakes made by other people and this enlightens you in a way. In the beginning, you can try brainstorming the following ideas:

  • Try to find out what you really want to achieve from your Wordpress site. Think about this from business and personal perspective.
  • Know your audience. Understand who would be visiting your website the most. People visiting your website frequently should have something unique in store for them. Plan accordingly.
  • Content plays a very tricky role. Your audience should know about your business the moment they land on your digital plot. A lot goes into doing that. Work hard on it. Give it some time.
  • Apart from what you want to show to your audience, you want your audience to react to your content and make a move. What if you can influence their moves? Instead of waiting for them to make a move, force them to make a move. Figure out what you want them to do—join mailing, purchase a product or just make a query.

  • Once you have brainstormed all the above mentioned ideas, you start writing as much detail about all of them as much you can. This is actually very important in the planning phase. The more details you will have, the easier it will be to structure your website. The idea is to have it in your imagination first before it has been created in reality.
    Brand identity
    From Jackie Chan fighting for it in Who am I to Guy Ritchie loosing it after every 15 minutes in the cult thriller Memento, identity is essential for existence of anything and anyone.
    Start WordPress Blog You should understand the art of creating a strong brand identity that leaves an imprint on your audience. The idea behind branding yourself or your business is that people can recall you the moment they see your logo or hear about you or your product anywhere.
    The idea is to have a strong recall value that is not possible without a strong brand identity. Why don’t you ask yourself the following questions before you foray into creating a strong brand value?
    1. What do you want your audience to recall about you the moment they hear about you?
    2. What message do you want them to receive after seeing your logo?
    3. How can you stand out from other blood-sucking Zombies like you on the World Wide Web?
    4. What is your vision?
    5. What value is there for your audience?
    Try to find a way to define your brand identity. Design a plan that reflects the way you want your website and your brand to communicate with your audience.
    1. Think about your logo. How should it be? How should it communicate it with your audience?
    2. Select the right fonts and colors that go really well with your brand and logo. If you are not really good at it then you can even hire a me to do the job. This can reflect your ideas well on your website.
    Hosting and domain name
    In this virtual world, your domain name is the address of your business and your hosting account is the plot on which you have built your virtual office. In this virtual office, you will have all your files and other important documents stored. So it is important to have a domain that can help your audience find you on the go irrespective of where they really are:
    1. Your domain name should clearly tell about what you do. It should reflect the core purpose of your business, your logo.
    2. A lot of businesses tend to have their domain names like they are Da Vinci Codes. Hard to break. Keep them short, simple, and easy to recall. Don’t be Dan Brown! (:-)
    There are loads of companies out there that sell both hosting and domain name. There is specifically one that I always recommend for my clients and start-ups because of they're just That GOOD You can buy both of them from the same company if you get a good offer. There is a specific coupon designed for customers from this blog that you can use.. <
    Install the Zombie (WordPress)
    The old classic drop-dead gorgeous Zombie in the world of web development is WordPress. And it’s now time to have it in your lamp and host some magic. There are loads of companies out there that provide easy installation of WordPress. You can even check out some video tutorials on installing WordPress on Youtube.
    Get the WordPress theme
    Start WordPress Site Since you have already acquired the best in town domain name and hosting, it’s now time to be a part of your own version of Project Runway by trying to style and design your own beloved website. There is a host of some incredibly beautiful WordPress themes available for you on the web that can’t just imagine. Free WordPress themes are great but there are some extra benefits with themes that you can buy. Here are some: Extra features for more customization. WordPress developer support for any type of technical glitches while installing. Plugins to increase functionality of a particular theme. There are some more. You got to buy them to experience all of them. Step-by-step guide to install a WordPress theme First of all go to the WordPress dashboard. Then go to Appearance—Themes Click Add New button Click Upload Theme button Now click Choose File and select the zip theme file from your computer to upload. Now click on Install Now button And finally click Activate link. Once you are done installing the WordPress theme, you are now required to let run your creativity go wild in the woods of imagination. Customize it all your way. Add a dash of your own branding with a tinge of uniqueness, colors, and fonts. You can now also have a logo uploaded. And if you are not really sure about installing it all on your own or customize your site your way, then you can even hire professionals to do the task for you. They will install and customize your WordPress site and theme so that you can focus on hypnotizing your audience and building the business. You can also create content meanwhile. Launching the rocket high in the sky Congratulations and high time to celebrate the glory of finally starting your WordPress site. You can check out how to Build Authority Backlinks To Your Site Easily. Thanks..

    Google Adsense Ad Placement Techniques [Infographics]

    Google Adsense is no doubt, the best cotextual ads network for publishers. If you still haven't read my guide to get approved on AdSense in less than 72hours , then I will recommend you do.

    There are several techniques or ad placements that determine how much you earn with adsense. Here is a well illustrated infographic showing you how to earn more with Google Adsense.


    Source: WhoIsHostingThis.com

    Multiple Avenues To Earn Money From Your Blog!

    Earning money is a common need as well as a responsibility for everyone of us. It is an undeniable fact that none of us can survive without money. Therefore, many of us believe that money is life and no life without money. At some level, it looks true as well. This is a reason, every individual is running in the game of money making. Though, money making is not a joke as it requires one to be highly qualified and skilled in some trade. So, what about those who are still learners? How to make money if you do not have any special commercial skill? How will you survive without having degrees from top-most institutions of your country? Well, it is possible just you need to bear in mind that “nothing is impossible in this universe; as IMPOSSIBLE itself says “I M Possible”.

    It is not that I’m making hollow statements, but it is the truth of my life. Today, I am making money online out of blogging. You must have heard about “BLOGGING” somewhere or if you are an internet user, you must be quite familiar with this term – blogging. There are countless people who are today earning their bread and butter from blogging. It clearly shows that the profit is surely there for which modern individuals are taking a great interest towards making a blog to earn money.

    How I Stepped Into Blogging To Make Money:

    Since, my school days, I was quite keen about finding out some way out to make money from the web. I always wanted to work for myself as I did not prefer to work under someone else as I wanted to be my own boss. With this vision, I browsed the internet and everything I browsed, I found blogging was appearing before me again and again.

    I started my first blog right then and after that, I tried finding out ways to make money out of that blog. Though, it was merely a beginning, that blog didn’t help me made any money. After working hard for many years, today, I’m capable of earning $200,000 a month. This is my reality. I dumped many blogs of mine during this period and ultimately, I got to the right track on making money in a certain way.

    With my experience, I am going to share my BLOGGING secret to help other individuals in making money. By following this experienced path, the positive outcomes are assured. Like me, you will also see increasing income every month. You just have to be cautious about the guidelines I am going to discuss here for monetizing BLOGGING.

    Who Can Benefit From Money Making Out Of Blogging Guidelines:

    Every money making enthusiast who owns a blog or wants to make a blog for earning money can get outstanding benefits out of these guidelines. It does not matter in which group you fall for blogging – a business or commercial blog or merely a hobby blog – monetization is certainly possible for all. The idea is not for getting wealthy in a quick way; however, if it is done rightly, you can financially support yourself or your family too. For this purpose, you have to dive in with us to explore the ways to get profit out of your blog.

    1.  CPM / CPC Ads To Make Money Blogging:

    The most common method of making money from a blog is by placing multiple ads on the site. CPC which is also known as PPC ads and CPM ads are two types of famous ads that bloggers get paid from.

    Let us explore what CPC and CPM ads are here:
    • CPC Ads: CPC stands for cost per click or is also named as pay per click ads which are banners that often placed in the sidebar or within the content. Every time a visitor or a blog reader clicks to that ad, the blogger gets paid for those clicks.
    • CPM Ads: CPM Ads which are referred as cost per thousand impressions are those advertisements for which bloggers are paid a certain fixed amount according to the number of views on the ad.
    How Advertisers Link Up To Blogs & Different Ad Networks:

    For placing both types of ads on blogs, the most prevalent network is Google AdSense. This program automatically gets advertisers connected to bloggers and thus, it eliminates the need to contact advertisers for placing their ads on your blog personally. Just place a banner on the blog or website and let Google work to place relevant ads on your site. Google itself selects ads that go apt to the content of your blog. By placing ads this way, the chances become quite high to get clicks of viewers on these ads. If you feel that you are not getting expected outcomes from AdSense, then you can choose other Ad programs or networks like Infolinks, Media.net and Chitika.

    2.  Private Ads Selling Can Be More Profitable:

    If you think that ad networks are the only way to make money blogging, then somehow you are underestimating the power of it. So, to sell out ads, ad networks are certainly not the only way. If your blog succeeds in getting higher traffic, then you will be contacted from the advertisers directly. At that time, advertisers will request you to give space to their ads on your blog or site. They will offer you profit percentage or a fixed price to display their ads on your site. Moreover, you may also ask advertisers to place their ads on your blog. The only and major difference in this method is the unavailability of a middle man that means, set your conditions and prices on your own.

    Private ads selling can be in  the type of buttons, links and banners. Even, there is a scope of making money by writing several sponsored posts. In these posts, you should write about the product or service of the advertiser or submit a review of it. In addition, you can write a series of posts where you can take any topic to write about, though you will be paid for “Brought to you by” mention within your content. So, there are multiple ways to make money by this way. For example, there can be a one-time payment for putting a link in the post, or if you host a banner ad, then you may either charge on the monthly basis to the advertiser.

    Profit making bonus idea for you: To increase your revenue, you may sell sponsorship place within your podcasts, videos and newsletters also.

    3.  Add Affiliate Links:

    When it comes to making money blogging, affiliate marketing is one of the greatest methods that most of the bloggers rely on. Check out these tips on how you can benefit from affiliate marketing.

    Every advertiser wants to sell off his product or service. For selling off a product, the advertiser gives the bloggers some commission from every sale; if a buyer comes from your blog or site. 

         Advertiser gives the blogger an exclusive link which tracks down the affiliate code of yours. This link enables him to know if the buyer has come from your blog to buy their product.

         You may either include the affiliate link on your site or blog. It can be added directly within the content of the blog or in banner ads. At times, a reader of your site clicks on the unique link and also, purchases a product recommended by your site, it helps you earning some percentage from their purchase.

         Affiliate marketing can be made through multiple ad networks such as Amazon Associates. Or you may also make private ad partnerships with businesses and advertisers through the affiliate program.

    4.  Put Digital Products To Sell On Your Blog:

    If the idea to sell the products or services of other advertisers on your site is not something that attracts you, then you may go for selling digital products on your site. This can prove to be another brilliant stream of regular income. In digital products, you may add:
    •       Digital workshops or courses
    •       Apps, theme or plugins
    •       eBooks
    •       Video, Music or Images to encourage users to add their content
    Important Tip To Keep In Mind:

    When you head towards choosing any of these digital avenues to sell on your site, to remember to add a relevant product that your website users are interested in. Generally, a majority of bloggers make a mistake by thinking as they are going to make a product available for readers that they would have required. Though you should listen to them first and after that, make a product according to their demand.

    5.  Use Your Blog As The Content Marketing Solution For The Business:

    Blogging has an exceptional power to give businesses remarkable revenues. If you own a business, then you can use a blog to sell off the physical products of your company. This way, it helps in generating more income for businesses by working as a powerful marketing tool. Though, it is requisite for you to take the blog as a tool of content marketing, rather considering it as a money making platform as it will bring more visitors to the site and will help in growing your business.

    There are countless possibilities to develop the business with the help of a blog. It is an amazing platform to sell products like hand-made stuff, manufactured items, and books and so on. Moreover, many businesses use it to help their customers explore their product information in a more accurate way and thus, it converts them in becoming loyal customers.

    Clearing it more deeply with a practical example:

    Say to assume you refurbish or resell the used phones from your home and want to grow your income from your blog. So, use your blog to get the attention of the visitors towards your site where, all your refurbished or resalable phones are listed for sale. In your blog, you should cover a range of relevant topics like DIY refurbishing the phones, benefits of refurbished phones etc. This idea serves dual purpose as it encourages buyers to buy a refurbished phone as well as it helps growing a brand.

    In the words of famous social media expert Jay Baer, 

    I was at a conference a few years ago, and this is where I first sort of started thinking about this concept, and their founder, Robert Johnson, was speaking…” Furthermore, he said, “Well our best customers are the people that think they can fix it themselves.”
    Eventually, this idea would take you away from the core – as here, you need to decide who are you deciding to call? If you are trying to call up anyone randomly who you just discovered from the Google or you call up someone whose logo you just have discovered around in a small video.

    This principal also applies to varied industrial services; for example, if you deal in repair services for electronics, in contrary to any physical product. The same blogging concept would work to enhance the brand awareness as well as in conversions.

    6.  Membership Selling:

    When it comes to money making from your blog, the membership selling emerges as a significant option. In this option, the advertisers pay the bloggers to get an exclusive corner in their site. For example, if you have a blog related to career counselling, an advertiser may get ready to pay you $10 every month as it will help users to get access to the job boards of the advertiser. Similar, if you have a business blog, then you may sell the membership in your website forum where users get multiple advice for their business.

    The main key of this option to provide an exclusive membership to users which has to be more useful and effective than anything that they get for free on the web. Therefore, think of bringing out of the box ideas to make membership users feel that they are getting service worth the cost.

    7.  Build Up Your Credibility On Your Blog:

    Many bloggers use their blog for credibility which is another fabulous idea to bring several monetizing opportunities. Taking an example of a finance related blog where people start taking the interest in the information written within and ultimately, the blog gets unexpected popularity among masses. Thus, the credibility of your blog will make you a renowned figure in entire finance segment.

    After having this authority, many people would approach you to be a co-writers for a book on a subject like debt management or you may get opportunities to be a speaker at finance conferences or get invite to train employees on financial affairs.

    However, it is not a straight money making method from blogging, yet it benefitted many bloggers this way. So, there are chances that it may work in your case too. Coming to straight profit stream, a blogger can earn the profit in 4 to 7 figures by selling off the blog to others. It is called selling a brand to some other interested person and if your blog is popular, the profit can be unexpectedly higher.

    The most considerable thing to remember when you want to make money from your blog is; to keep doing something with your site, rather than putting your website up and then, let it rest there. For revenue generation, you have to give your time to your site as the mentality that just build it and revenue will come on its own will surely not work in this case. It is seen that some bloggers do not see any income for sometimes and sometimes for years. Though the profit is assured, but it requires dedication, time and effort.

    When you fully decide on monetizing your blog, keep the following advice in your mind to be a successful blogger and earn in 7 figure every month.

    Quality Content Is Must:

    The quality content is a key factor for making a blog successful. When a reader finds the content quality up to the mark, he likes to read it further. A poorly written content always gets dumped by the readers. Therefore, do not neglect the value of content quality, but considering users’ perspective, put high quality and interactive content that must be worth readers’ interest.

    Focus On Spending Time To Build Up Relationships:
    To make a blog popular, you have to concentrate on making fruitful relationships rather just focusing on content. Make good relations with the affiliate advertisers, sponsors and bloggers as they are the direct traffic source for the blogs. Ensure that a good amount of time has to be spent on various forums and blogs that are a great way to make up relationships.
    Indulge In Experiments:
    Here, we have mentioned several tips and sources of income that you can use to make money blogging. However, the experiment in this money making game is always good. You can tweak these tips to see if you get better outcomes relating your readers or blog popularity or not.
    The idea of money making out of your blog is a persistent affair, though it gives long-term revenue if one starts it from the scratch. Here, it is not mandatory use all the money making ideas altogether, but you can take inspiration from other emerging or famous bloggers and see what the latest blogging trend is.
    With time, you sure understand which avenue is the most profitable for you and which is not. So, after reading on these ideas, if you are planning to make a blog and convert it in a money making platform, then we would love to hear from you which avenue are you going to start with.
    Do not hesitate to share your feedback in the comment section below as we love to hear that.