7 Common Mistakes Bloggers Always Do

Things that new bloggers always neglect

1.       IDEAS. Ideas are very important from the very start of creating a blog. Research and planning are the keys to a good blog, but this only guarantees you a very small percentage of success in the long run. Your ideas must be unique so you would able to catch your audience’s attention and let them take the action of liking, commenting, sharing, and much more just to spread your site to other readers worldwide.

2.       WRITE-UPS. Blogging requires your write ups to be more engaging to your target niche. You must like be talking to them, jargon must be avoided. Technical terms must be simplified to lay mans’ terms. All the things that might bring confusion to your reader must be avoided (unless it is an abstract one).

3.       OWNER’S IDENTITY. As you share all your articles on social media, 99.9% of your target market doesn't know you, therefore, they don’t care about you. This should not literally mean what you think.  Many are just reading without reminding of who wrote it up. However, when plagiarisms are found, most likely, the reader will react regarding the identity of the writer.

4.       YOUR CONTENT. Contents are the main part, thus, the topic of such contents should be focused on what the writers would like to imply. When writing, one should be mindful that he must be direct to the point, otherwise, it will cause an ambiguity to readers.

5.       ORGANIZED WRITE-UPS. Organization of articles really attracts your readers to read whatever you have written there. Try to maximize your power to organized and let your reader not to click the “X” button of your site.

6.       PLAGIARISM- This is a big NO NO. Plagiarism is defined as copying of content without a prior permission of the due owner. This is also incorporated into some pertinent laws. Do this and someone will file a charge against you.

7.       PROOFREADING. Many writers are very confident that they can hook their write ups once, but one should really proof read his works. Even the best writers in this world do proofreading. Take time to proofread and edit necessary revisions that may arise afterward.

8.       COMMENTS.  When you’ve done publishing it, be ready for some critiques that your articles may have. Experts are very careful about it, their comments will further improve your writing techniques, don’t take it negatively.


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